Toyota RegiusAce Versus HiAce — Which Is Better?
HiAce is one of Toyota’s most popular and enduring models. Ever since its initial release in the 1960s in Japan, HiAce has proved to be worthy of its name, which means ‘high-performance hard worker’. Over the years, the HiAce has been available in different body styles, including passenger and cargo vans, before eventually becoming the streamlined van it is today, equally reliable in the transportation of cargo as well as in that of goods.
The HiAce
Thanks to its reliable engine and transmission, the HiAce drives well in any location, proving to be a dependable van in many different parts of the world, from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the dust roads in Africa. The HiAce is neither the most powerful, nor the best-looking van on the market, but what sets it apart from other competitors is its awesome reliability and famously low repair costs. It has the essential qualities that a van owner looks for in a car: reliability, low-cost maintenance, and convenience. The HiAce is the kind of van you can drive for hundreds of thousands of kilometers without requiring major engine or transmission work. Also, The Toyota HiAce has always been a relatively affordable van considering its outstanding reliability and solid construction.
The Regius Ace
The Toyota RegiusAce, whose name means ‘magnificent hard worker’, was originally released in 2000 and is based on the HiAce van. To be more exact, the first generation Regius Ace was based on the mid-fourth Toyota HiAce van, being identical to it except for a few small differences in features such as roofting (the HiAce offered a high-roof option while the RegiusAce only a standard roof). The second-generation RegiusAce was based on the fifth-generation Toyota HiAce van, and from then on the new RegiusAces have been offering the same comfort and convenience as the high-end HiAce vans.
Now let’s look at the specs of the RegiusAce and HiAce vans. There are different generations on the market of course, so for the sake of our comparison we will choose the 2004 commercial versions, more specifically, the HiAce 2.0 Long DX and the Regius Ace 2.0 DX High Roof Long Body.
Specs Comparison
Both models have a 5-speed manual transmission. The length and width is exactly the same, but the RegiusAce is taller thanks to its high roof, measuring 2240 mm compared to HiAce’s 1980 mm. The RegiusAce also has a larger mass, 1660 kg, compared to HiAce’s 1620 kg.
The HiAce and RegiusAce share the same engine, a four-cylinder with a maximum of 133 horse power, 5600 RPM , and an engine volume of 1998 cc. The fuel consumption is also the same for both models, 10 liters/100 kilometers (gasoline).
The RegiusAce does have some optional extra features that the HiAce lacks, including Privacy Glass, Winter Complectation, and Sonar. In terms of price, the RegiusAce was around $20,000 on its launch, while the HiAce around $19,000. You should be able to find good second-hand models in the $5,000 to $7,000 price range, depending on the mileage.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, the RegiusAce is very similar to the HiAce, and can be considered a high-end version of the latter, providing of course that the models you are comparing are from the same generation. The HiAce is more widely available of course, but RegiusAce is quite popular as well and, if you find one at a good price, there’s no reason why you should not buy it. In fact, the RegiusAce may have some extra options as well as a convenient high-top roof. Before making your choice, don’t forget to consider the mileage and the overall condition of the car.